Perticone – a bespoke shoemaker in Rome Italy
Seiichi Yoshimoto : a Japanese shoemaker
I’ve been living and making shoes in Italy for more than 15 years.
I have learnt bespoke shoemaking from many master shoemakers in Italy and England
I have worked for many bespoke shop as a independent bottom maker
Petrocchi – Rome Italy
Marini – Rome Italy
Mercurio – Rome Italy
Mannina – Florence Italy
George Cleverley – London United Kingdom for more Than 13years.
Having worked for so many brands, I have gained valuable experience
and immense knowledge of both Italian and English shoemaking…
be it the unique styling or the different construction.
I launched my brand Perticone In Rome 2017
2019 Internationaler Leistungswettbewerb des Schuhmacherhandwerks Gold Prize